Project # EuroPACEproject
H2020-EE-23-2017(H2020 program): The project aimed toboost energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in the residential
sector. FEP was responsible for designing and deploying the OSS pilot of the
project in Olot, Spain (the first one of this kind in Spain).
Nom del projecte
EuroPACE project H2020-EE-23-2017(H2020 program)
Project # EuroPACE project
H2020-EE-23-2017 (H2020 program):
The project aimed to boost energy efficiency and renewable energyprojects in the residential sector. FEP was responsible for designing and
deploying the OSS pilot of the project in Olot, Spain (the first one of this
kind in Spain).
Beneficiaris/a qui va dirigit?
Rol de la Fundació Europace
BEN (Beneficiaries?)
implemented in 2019and ended in 2021
Pressupost total